_ tenia el mismo problema en mi laptop, despúes de desinstalar y reinstalar todo, descubrí que para que funcione la tarjeta ASIO con el wego sin que me marque error, tenia que tener conectado unos audifonos o cualquier cosa en la salida de audifonos de la lap, aunque no sirve de nada porque en realidad los que te van a servir se conectan en la salida de audifonos del wego, pero si no esta conectado algo ahi, el wego me marcaba error, en mi caso puse solo un plug sin ningun cable solo para que la lap tenga algo conectado, despues entré a la configuración del wego y puse la tarjeta ASIO con la salia master canal 1 y 2, y audifonos canal 3 y 4, y listo quedó al 100%, el audio de los audifonos se escuchaba independiente ya podìa preescuchar, saludos y esperó que esta información le sirva, porque la verdad me tomo como 5 horas averiguarlo. China External Usb Sound Card wholesale - Select 2022 high quality External Usb Sound Card products in best price from certified Chinese Speaker manufacturers, USB Flash Disk suppliers, wholesalers. Usb Audio Asio Driver 64 Bit free download - USB Audio ASIO driver, Realtek High Definition Audio Codec (Windows 7 / 8/ 8.1/ 10 64-bit), nVidia Graphics Driver (Windows Vista 64-bit / Windows 7 64. If you don’t own an audio interface, or if your interface is class-compliant (no native ASIO driver), you will want the third-party driver called ASIO4ALL.
On Windows, you can use various audio drivers for the audio input and output like ASIO, Realtek, MME. ASIO lets you set lower buffer sizes and provides a low latency between an application and the computer’s sound card. Had the same problem on my laptop, a later date after uninstalling and reinstalling everything, I found that to work with ASIO card without my check wego mistake, had to have some headphones plugged in or anything out of the lap headphones, but is useless because you actually connect will serve on the wego headphones output, but if not connected something there, I marked the wego mistake, in my case I put just a single cable with no plug for that has something connected lap, then went to the settings and put the card wego ASIO with the master came out channel 1 and 2, 3 and 4 channel headphones, and was 100% ready, the audio from the headphones is independent listened he could preview a greetings and hoped that this information will help, because the truth I take like 5 hours to find out. 4-deck SERATO DJ performance controller - Integrated 4-channel USB audio club interface - PlugnPlay: Connect your computer and mix your MP3s - Designed for the worlds leading mixing software developer SERATO - Large transport section with all-new smooth-touch rubber buttons - Newly developed. ASIO Drivers will bridge the gap between your computer’s sound card and your DAW. ASIO, shot for Audio Stream Input/Output, is a computer sound card driver protocol for digital audio.